Editorial Services

Hello, and welcome! My name is Sherry Leclerc and I am a Fictionary Certified Story Coach Editor, a Writer’s Digest Certified Copyeditor, a member of Editor’s Canada, a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association (EFA), and a member ACES The Society for Editing. As an independent author, I am a member of the Canadian Authors Association, the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi) and the Writers’ Federation of Nova Scotia.

For more information about my qualifications and training, please click HERE.

My specialties include fiction coaching and editing at all levels listed below; working with independent authors; working with authors whose first language is not English; and editing English translations of works originally written in another language. My preferred genres to edit (and read) are fantasy, romance, mystery, soft science fiction, and any combination of these, but I read and edit other genres as well. When time and workload allow, I also accept non-fiction works in the field of education, and undergraduate and graduate level papers and articles (depending on the subject).

Please read below for the types of editing I offer, as well as what may be included at each level, depending on your needs.

Thank you for visiting!

Note: As a member of Editor’s Canada, I define the different kinds of editing in the same way as listed on the editors.ca website. Keep Reading below for more information.

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Structural Editing

In fiction editing, this can also be referred to as Story or Developmental Editing.

The following is from the Editor’s Canada website:

Assessing and shaping draft material to improve its organization and content. Changes may be suggested to or drafted for the writer. Structural editing may include:

  • revising, reordering, cutting, or expanding material
  • writing original material
  • determining whether permissions are necessary for third-party material
  • recasting material that would be better presented in another form, or revising material for a different medium (such as revising print copy for web copy)
  • clarifying plot, characterization, or thematic elements

Also known as substantive editing, manuscript editing, content editing, or developmental editing.

Note: The tool I use to edit fiction, of any genre, at the story (developmental) level is Fictionary’s StoryCoach program. Complete manuscripts are evaluated at the story level with a focus on structure, character, plot, and settings.

At the end of this edit, clients receive a detailed Editorial Letter and access to their own StoryCoach client account, where they can see my inline comments, scene notes, and a number of visuals displaying the story arc, character arc, story map, and so on. Clients also receive a 2 hour phone call or Zoom meeting, which can be divided into shorter blocks of time as desired.

Contact me for more details.

Stylistic Editing

Editing to clarify meaning, ensure coherence and flow, and refine the language. It includes:

  • eliminating jargon, clichés, and euphemisms
  • establishing or maintaining the language level appropriate for the intended audience, medium, and purpose
  • adjusting the length and structure of sentences and paragraphs
  • establishing or maintaining tone, mood, style, and authorial voice or level of formality

Also known as line editing (which may also include copy editing).

Copy Editing

Editing to ensure correctness, accuracy, consistency, and completeness. It includes:

  • editing for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and usage
  • checking for consistency and continuity of mechanics and facts, including anachronisms, character names, and relationships
  • editing tables, figures, and lists
  • notifying designers of any unusual production requirements
  • developing a style sheet or following one that is provided
  • correcting or querying general information that should be checked for accuracy 

It may also include:

  • marking levels of headings and the approximate placement of art
  • Canadianizing or other localizing
  • converting measurements
  • providing or changing the system of citations
  • editing indexes
  • obtaining or listing permissions needed
  • checking front matter, back matter, and cover copy
  • checking web links

Note that “copy editing” is often loosely used to include stylistic editing, structural editing, fact checking, or proofreading. Editors Canada uses it only as defined above.


Examining material after layout or in its final format to correct errors in textual and visual elements. The material may be read in isolation or against a previous version. It includes checking for:

  • adherence to design
  • minor mechanical errors (such as spelling mistakes or deviations from style sheet)
  • consistency and accuracy of elements in the material (such as cross-references, running heads, captions, web page heading tags, hyperlinks, and metadata)

It may also include:

  • distinguishing between printer’s, designer’s, or programmer’s errors and writer’s or editor’s alterations
  • copyfitting
  • flagging or checking locations of art
  • inserting page numbers or checking them against content and page references

Note that proofreading is checking a work after editing; it is not a substitute for editing.

Manuscript Evaluation

Assessing the content and organization of a work, and commenting in depth on such factors as characterization, dialogue, setting, plot, structure, subject relevance, believability, research required, and potential legal issues. It also involves evaluating:

  • technique and style
  • clarity
  • voice
  • tone
  • reading level
  • audience appropriateness,

It may include providing detailed comments on the marketability of the work and suggesting ways to make it more marketable. This evaluation is intended to guide the writer or publisher through the process of rewriting or editing the work.

Also known as critiquing.

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Comparative Editing (French to English)

Comparing the content of a translated text to its source text to ensure the translation is faithful to the original. Comparative editing often includes aspects of stylistic editing and copy editing, and should be done by an editor fluent in both the source language and the target language.


Prices will vary depending on the type and length of the text or manuscript, the type of editing required, whether the project requires a light, medium, or heavy copy edit, and so on.

Contact me for a quote and I will send you a short questionnaire. Depending on the type of edit, you may also be asked to submit a sample of writing that is representative of the entire project.

Thank you!